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Forwarded from Occupy the Land Community (Founder)
Dressing up the washes in preparation for the Check Dams
Forwarded from Occupy the Land Community (Founder)
Dressing up the washes in preparation for the Check Dams
Channel name was changed to «OccupyTheLand»
Forwarded from OccupyTheLand (Ernest Hancock)
Good view of how much sand to renove... 1/2 mile more
I just moved a lot of OccupyTheLand main channel repost from other to the Community channel that is part of the main channel.

How the OTL (OccupyTheLand) main channel works is that I can post raw footage while working the land. These daily post will get started in October and will be the raw Content Provided that will then be taken and produced into a weekly video published Friday night. I plan and early live show on Saturdays going over what was accomplished the previous week and detailing the projects scheduled for the coming week. The "Why?" we are doing this will likely take the form of a regular DYIwEH show featuring the news on FreedomsPhoenix and often broadcast on out Thursday to Network affiliates (150+ stations across the country).

The main Telegram channel (OccupyTheLand) will allow Comments but those comments will be seen on the OccupyTheLand Community channel to keep the noise down on the primary channel. The system allows for the Comments on any posting to create its own 'Discussion' page so a thread of thoughts can be examined on a particular issue and be of more use to actual DOERS.

www.OccupyTheLand.org entries will follow a similar format so that specific projects won't get lost in the noise.
I'm sharing this information so you know how to help keep the interactions focused and valuable. Negative waves and distractions will be purged and accounts blocked. I am Not going for quantity but I am hoping for valuable content and commentary.

Passion is cool but arguments are worthless since Donna and I will be making the final decisions on where our resources go for the reasons important to us. So clearly make your case (Materials, Time, Effort, needed Equipment, end Results etc.).

We have done many experiments over the years and have even built prototypes using the free materials available to us on our land.

Various grades of Sand and Gravel in almost unlimited supply and a lack of mill-able trees means that our primary construction will be masonry. We have experiented with various mixes of Adobe https://www.greenhomebuilding.com/QandA/adobe/mixes.htm & Hyperadobe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoTlFLG_clY (Donna and I have participated in 2 workshops at TinyShinyHome) and have the equipment and experience with Geodesic dome building https://odysee.com/@GTW_Archives:8/2022-08-20-dome_specs_and_map:d

We are also experienced and have the equipment for the use of Aircrete.

So exotic materials and the need for expensive equipment or lots of hands is not in our plan. I am offering Time and Pressure. Daily work ending in an accumulation of effort into a finished project over as many months and years as it takes... and may never be 'Done'.

4 months of almost daily work by myself with a tractor, dump trailer and a truck has resulted in 4 miles of roads and drives so that the real work can begin after a summer of over 110 degrees (average).

After some more hard work on drainage and the final selection of building locations and orientation, we will begin the construction of the utility building that will house our solar power station (Racks for Solar Panels, wire trenching etc.) This building and water solutions will provide a great deal of material experience and several building methods we wish to demonstrate to ourselves and other DOERS.

We are fortunate to have a comfortable shelter (TheLoveBus) that Donna and I have been living in since May of 2020. But her willingness to do so was with the promise of my building her a home in the Arizona desert within driving distance to family and the G'kids events She's from PA and hates the cold. So I am motivated.

A focus on Liberty Community Communications & Commerce will result in a new edition of FreedomsPhoenix Newspaper detailing options and reference material for the local community that we wish to be an add to. In February of 2025 we plan to deploy the hardware connecting the residents of two desert valleys in our area and connect like minded families already in communication and supporters as a demonstration and inspiration to others that desire a decentralized approach to digital Socialization & Commerce.

Our timeline was to purchase our land in 2023 but availability and cost at that time resulted in patience until we found what we were looking for. Closing on property in late March meant that construction by us would have to wait until October. But I was unwilling to wait and decided that a climate controlled tractor cab would allow me to build the roads and prep the land for occupation. That was accomplished over a week ago.

Donna spent the summer caring for her mother after she was injured in a fall, then toured the northern USA with our eldest daughter's family in a large RV 5th wheel. i connect with Donna in Washington State in mid September and return at the latest in the first week of October. By the end of October we will OccupyTheLand (Average September temperatures are still over 100 deg.)

As of this past August 11th, Donna and I have been married 40 years! and were separated by family circumstances. But once reunited and rested we will quickly engage with the 'Occupation' and begin the regular video documentation of the project.
Social Media will be used but our core content will be stored and distributed using decentralized methods that we have developed and have been using and improving for several years.

Free-Markets, Free Minds and Free People require freedom and a home. This project is more than just the fulfilling of a man's promise to his wife, it is an inspiration to our 4 children and 12 grandchildren. The only way I am certain to ensure freedom for Generation Next is to advocate and inspire freedom for everyone. Self Responsibility & Individual Liberty advocacy has been the most effective in my 40 years of activism.

I hope you will join us in this effort. Donna and I have put everything into this culmination of a lifetime goal and reward for our liberty efforts and we need your help.

"Freedom's The Answer,... What's The Question?"


Please also subscribe to Occupy The Land Community channel so that you not miss all of the great content posted by members
OccupyTheLand pinned «https://t.me/+fCUHfPqEaPo5ZmEx Please also subscribe to Occupy The Land Community channel so that you not miss all of the great content posted by members»
Forwarded from Cosmic Light Force
There are many templates out there showing how to unplug from the matrix & live off-grid — it is just the FREE WILL choice to do so or not.

Small steps make great changes. 🙏🏽👁🤍
